Monthly Archives: February 2012

A True Visionary: Don Cornelius

We are saddened to hear of the tragic passing of the legendary Don Cornelius, creator and host of Soul Train. Though Soul Train’s real heyday was before our time we are very familiar with it’s singular style. What an incredible time, you watch these videos and you can’t help but to be inspired and transported to another time when seminal albums were being released every other day and the fashions were bold and vibrant. This was a golden age for every genre of music and Soul Train would bring it into your home, before MTV, before videos, and of course, pre-internet. The show really traces the evolution of Soul into Disco and eventually the beginnings of Rap. The famous Soul Train line dance was a huge influence in America, so much so that at every wedding in those days, and through the 1980’s, you could find one at every reception. Even though we don’t do that kind of campy group dance stuff at weddings, we can appreciate the Soul Train line for what it was. There hasn’t been a dance show with a greater cultural influence. Rest in peace, Don, and thank you.

Here is one of our favorite Soul Train clips that shows the line dance in all it’s glory:


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