Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Stones on these two…

The Rolling Stones are living legends and we often get a lot of requests to hear them played, particularly early on at a wedding when you want the music to be multi-generationally appealing. This time last year we read Keith Richards’ book and were again reminded of the longevity of their careers. Abby’s dad saw them live over 20 times! An early album of their’s is a household favorite, Aftermath. The 1981 album Tattoo You is also indispensable and so classic–we often play side 2 of that album, the mellower side. It evokes a certain time and place so beautifully. Recently, while skimming through 10 years of emails, Abby found one particularly funny one. Sent by a friend in Chicago who was working at the Ritz Carlton at the time, we thought you would enjoy a peek into what these 2 aging British gentlemen required in their suites at that time.




Below is the list of items Mick Jagger requested in his suite….

• an electric tea kettle
• earl grey, mint, ceylon, and chamomile tea
• a china tea service
• several bottles of red and white wine, ONLY french wine
• honey
• granola
• french roast coffee
• evian, 1l bottles, including a bottle placed each
• evening on his bedside table
• cranberry juice, apple juice, in bottles
• fresh lemons
• organic whole milk
• organic low fat yogurts (4)
• fresh flowers in living room, bedroom, and bathroom
• appropriate flatware, glassware (water and wine),
• linen napkins

Does the above seem like a hardcore rock star, or an aging British gentleman… food for thought…

And this is the request list for Keith Richards:

• 6 packs of Marlboro Reds, replenished daily
• 10 extra ashtrays
• 4 additional boxes of tissues
• 12 cans of Fanta orange soda
• 2 liters of Stoli
• 1 litre of cranberry juice, “ocean spray”
• 3 ripe grapefruits, 3 juice oranges, 4 tangerines,
• 4 apples –only Red Delicious
• 1 lime
• 6 ripe bananas
• 1 litre of whole white milk
• black pepper mill
• Four (4) grilled chicken sandwiches, on white bread (Replenish daily) The chicken must be plain, without seasoning, grilled. • The bread must be generic plain white bread, with the crust left on. No spices, sauces, condiments. Must be wrapped in seran wrap.
• uses a lot of ice, so in addition to 2 ice buckets (with lids) he must have a small cooler full of ice at all times
• 5 (five) additional trash can
• VCR–must have clear instructions, preferably original manual. prefer consumer variety VCR, not commercial

What would you require in your suite?

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